Friday, July 29, 2011

Overcoming the outsourcing woes in India

There has been lots of speculation revolving around the BPO industry across the world. Pouring oil onto fire, a section of media and other organisations have launched a contemptuous attack on the call centre employees, which may prove detrimental for the growth of BPO Industry. Take the case alleged corruption at the call centres and BPOs. If we analyse both the past and present scenario, corruption is rampant everywhere in the world. So there is no use in pointing the finger towards the outsourcing industry alone. 

The basic fact is that all the BPO employees are well educated and they are well aware of their responsibilities. The persons, who work with the BPO companies, understand the importance of security. They never breach the rules defined for them by their employers. Now the offshore outsourcing companies are taking strong security measures to prevent any misuse of the details of the customers and all the employees adhere to the rules. 

Most BPO companies have certifications and undergo third-party audits at regular intervals. So there is no question of authenticity while hiring the best among the many Indian BPO companies. Moreover outsourcing industry offers job opportunities like no other. It has been noticed that BPO is the best place for women empowerment. Women are given ample opportunities to prove themselves in the BPO sector. This is the only industry, which has witnessed high growth for women and helped them move to the higher positions in large numbers.

Despite all the odds, offshore outsourcing is booming. People abroad understand the importance of outsourcing their business to India since BPO s in the country have displayed their skilfulness and efficiency in handling the works assigned to them. They should be encouraged and motivated to work more diligently.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Outsourcing content management work

What is the use of good, clean and relevant content in your website? With good website content you get the benefit of clearly depicting what it is you want to share with people. Also, good content and articles will lead people to your site. With more traffic, you get to earn more from your site making it profitable. A sites success, be it for profit or not, is the number of the flow of traffic to your site. The best part with good articles is that they get you lots of traffic since search engines entirely depend on keyword phrases and single keywords to determine the relevancy and based on that information the article is placed in the search results. Hence it become necessary to have well written articles that has the keywords properly placed.
Many companies depend on BPO who serving the content writing sector as they don’t have the time to write their own content.  There are many outsourcing companies doing the content writing task and the writers are experts in this style of writing and can greatly help your website to get that coveted spot in the search engine rankings. There are many BPO services in India that offer you their writing services with their team of well trained and experienced writers. They offer writing services for almost every niche possible in order to cover any writing needs.

The offshore outsourcing services companies in India would probably be the best since they have done a good job of keeping their content at a high quality to get them high rankings. But it is also good to search for as many companies as possible and read some of their sample work to get an idea of how much it will cost you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Social media work steps into BPO sector

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There is some happy news at the non voice BPO front. Emerging technologies such as social media is not only changing the way people communicate, but are influencing the services offered by business process outsourcing (BPO) firms as well. With this emerging trend at the offshore outsourcing scenario, the non-voice service offerings are slowly seeing growth. Most of the outsourcing companies indulge themselves with a fair amount of non-voice BPO [such as] back-office email management, chat processing, coupons processing and claims processing, along with voice processes. The social media work is also considered back-office by helping clients in inserting experts into blogs and forums on the web, so that when there's an issue in the social media realm, the BPO insert an expert there to resolve the issue. 

Non-voice BPO services are beginning to push the local BPO market to growth, as voice-based BPO services in the country near saturation. The companies that have started doing the social media work in a year or so already have seen green lands and added clientele. Consumers today are becoming pretty demanding and expect a high degree of satisfaction says an expert adding that consumers now expect the same level of service rendered in different kinds of channels—be it through the phone, email or social media. Hence some of the companies are putting some attention into the technology business sector. 

This shift towards multi-channel customer service demands a new set of skills from agents but fortunately, the current crop of workers are immersed enough in these new technologies. The best part of this shift in the focus is that the younger generation of employees have familiarity with texting, chat and social media. They have wonderful multi-tasking skills and that's important when you're going to serve clients. Moreover, BPO clients dealing with new technologies such as smartphones and tablets call for more advanced troubleshooting skills.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

BPO services surpass IT services

  Acquisitions by Indian outsourcing companies are continuing unabated, driven by an increasing need to both deepen and broaden their capabilities in their search for growth and scale. A key driver of this activity is a little noticed long-term trend that should become more obvious as the years roll by that of the business process outsourcing (BPO) sector growing faster than information technology (IT) services outsourcing. Acquisitions are happening rapidly and mostly finance and accounting sector is on the move. Also BPO firms are joining hands with telecom service providers as well. Most of the experts opine that unlike IT services, the BPO sector was not hit as hard by the downturn of 2008-09. IT services has now bounced back strongly and is growing much faster than BPO as a short-term trend. In the long-term, however, especially given that the IT services market is very well penetrated, it is BPO which will outpace growth, they points out.

According to some reliable data point the worldwide IT outsourcing expense is growing at 4% while BPO is growing or will grow at 6-8%. When you analyse the actual IT spend of companies, you can see that is growing at only around 2%, reflecting their actual growth. On an average, for every $1 billion spent on IT, a company would spend $4-5 billion on BPO.  Outsourcing is a much larger market and it is not that well-penetrated. So the long-term road ahead is clear. As with IT services, BPO clients are becoming more demanding and looking as much to solve business problems as to reduce costs. This calls for a deeper industry domain knowledge as well as global capability—the other key factors driving acquisition activity in the space.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Offshore legal outsourcing versus onshore outsourcing

Outsourcing companies that in recent years added to the financial woes of the American legal profession by sending work to low-cost countries like India are now creating jobs for lawyers in the United States. The American salaries for outsourced work may look meagre compared with the six figures that new associates might still hope to draw at a big firm. But outsourcing jobs typically pay better than temp work — and certainly better than no work at all.
And at that salary range, American lawyers start to look a bit more competitive with their offshore counterparts — and more attractive to potential American clients that might not be comfortable sending legal work overseas. Legal outsourcing companies with offshore office are looking forward to deliver a fantastic client experience by setting up onshore facility. This has been seen as the latest trend by legal BPO s in USA. Some of the leading BPO companies have already set up offices in most part of the state and has lawyers working during United States business hours, on tasks that, because of logistics or American law, can be difficult to perform outside the country like writing and vetting export control documents, military contracts and some patent reviews. Most of the BPO companies have set onshore sites and have been hiring steadily in recent months. And though the industry’s total number of employees in the United States is still estimated to be only in the hundreds, analysts predict fast growth for the field. In the United States, outsourcing companies are hiring lawyers from temporary legal services firms or recruiting them directly out of law school. The pay is often comparable to lawyers’ salaries in smaller cities. And the jobs can come with other benefits, like equity stakes in the company and management opportunities that might not be widely available at conventional law firms. Even though it will put a stake over the offshore outsourcing companies, it will enhance the business globally.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Companies return to growth after the high tides

According to IT research firm the return of growth has been accompanied by a strong appetite to increase spending on BPO projects. A survey of 600 mid-to-large companies in 14 countries found 54% of the respondents looking to increase their BPO spending this year by 5% or more.Out of this, 20% (of the total surveyed companies) were planning to increase their BPO budgets by 10% or more this year, reflecting at the return of growth. Most companies had put big projects, whether in BPO or IT outsourcing, on hold during the recession."Many of these budget increases are driven by the fact that BPM is focused on improving business outcomes and explicitly meets the objectives of many organisations' return-to-growth strategies,” says the expert.

The results are good news for  BPO companies in India and Filipino -- the two strongest players in the international BPO market. offshore outsourcing services refers to the handing over of activities such as handing customer queries and even making sales calls to specialist companies.BPO companies in India is arguably one of the biggest sources of employment for India's millions of graduates.The "return to growth" trend was stronger in Asia Pacific, where 25 percent of respondents were planning to hike their BPO outlay by more than 10%, compared to the 20% for the World as a whole.The numbers are more aggressive than corresponding figures for the IT outsourcing market, partly because companies see outsourced service providers as more crucial to their business expansion than IT.

"BPM project funding comes not from an IT budget but from the line of business budget in 66 percent of cases, and because BPM is focused on business outcomes, many business units are funding it more readily than they are IT-specific projects," expert pointed out.